Spotlight on Audrey Inkamala
From the front cover of our latest Annual Report… introducing Audrey Inkamala!
Audrey was born and raised in Engawala, a small community 180km north-east of Alice Springs. She speaks Arrernte, Western Arrernte, Alyawarr/Anmatyerr, as well as English.
Audrey has worked at the store for six years, and last year joined the store’s board of directors, who this year have been tackling the problem of diabetes in the community. The directors decided to reduce soft drink bottles to a maximum of 600ml, as well as introduce ‘Sugar-Free Wednesdays’ to the store. She was interviewed about this sugar-reduction strategy for a video series by Monash University called HEALTHY STORiES = GOOD FOOD.
“At first people didn’t like it, but as store workers, we told them it’s better for our health, so they understood,” said Audrey.
On the occasions when the store manager is called away from the community, Audrey steps into the role of store supervisor.
“Audrey can keep the store running if I am away, including ensuring that the school nutrition programme meals are done, opening and closing the store, and the daily reporting requirements,” said Emma Skyba, current store manager at Engawala.
Audrey has completed her Certificate IV in Retail Management and is hoping to one day take on the role of store manager, with the help of the local women in the community.
Audrey has a three-year-old daughter and says “I want my daughter growing up to see that working is better than sitting at home all day, bored”.
First published in the Outback Stores 2021 Annual Report.
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