Improving food affordability in remote communities

Improving food affordability in remote communities Outback Stores prides itself on providing affordable fruit and vegetable pricing and cheaper bottled water and diet soft drinks in the community stores we manage in remote and regional areas. Over the past twelve months we have been working on consolidating our supplier base to improve food...

Positions Vacant

Positions VacantPeople with skills in a wide range of areas make up the Outback Stores team. Current Vacancies Outback Stores offers exciting and rewarding careers to those who are interested in making a positive difference in the health, employment and economy of remote Indigenous communities. Roles vary from remote store manager positions, to...


GoalsTo make a positive difference in the health, employment and economy of remote Indigenous communities, by providing quality, sustainable retail stores. A sustainable future for remote communities The more involvement the community has in their store, the more likely it is going to be able to make a positive impact. We proactively build strong...

How Can We Help?

How Can We Help?Would you like Outback Stores to help your own community store? Working side by side with remote communities. We work with you to: Train and hire more local staff Have more healthy, fresh food Cheaper prices Our store managers and support staff help make sure your store looks good, and business is taken care of. Profits go back to...