Outback Stores working with Parnngurr

Outback Stores working with Parnngurr

In December 2021 Outback Stores was engaged by the management of the Parnngurr Aboriginal Corporation (PAC) to assist with the community store and administration of general community services.

Since then Outback Stores has been collaborating with community leaders to ensure that food security needs are met, as well as helping the PAC team to maintain the important municipal services in partnership with the Western Australian Government.

In late January Outback Stores was appointed to manage the community store, as well as to assist the committee members of PAC in ensuring the delivery of key community services.

This agreement follows on from a similar arrangement announced in May 2021 with another community in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, Kunawarritji. Like that arrangement, Outback Stores will appoint a Community Services Coordinator to provide the support needed by PAC.

At the request of PAC and under their direction, Outback Stores will continue to work with the community to provide support in the management and governance of the corporation.

“We look forward to working with Outback Stores in the year ahead. It’s time for everyone to work together to make the community strong,” says respected elder and traditional owner to these lands, director Muuki Taylor.

Outback Stores CEO Michael Borg says “As always, at Outback Stores we are here to assist communities when required. We look forward to not only just ensuring food security in Parnngurr but also to assisting the organisation with their community service commitments”.



About Us: Outback Stores provides retail store management and support services to Indigenous- owned community stores across 48 remote locations in Australia. We work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in a holistic way to improve health, nutrition, employment, training and economic outcomes in remote communities.

Outback Stores is a Commonwealth-owned company and a not-for-profit, with a core objective of supporting remote community stores to maintain food security.

Flooding in Central Australia affecting food supply to remote communities

Flooding in Central Australia affecting food supply to remote communities

Outback Stores is currently experiencing logistical challenges in maintaining food supply to several remote Indigenous communities due to the flooding of the Stuart Highway and localised flooding across Central Australia.
Shkarra and Matt
Santa Teresa flood.